Photographs from 'The Falcon' 1978</i>

Photographs from The Falcon 1978

When Sir Robert Tredgold died on 8th April, 1977, it was inevitable that tribute should be paid to him in The Falcon, and Dougal Turner decided that we should reprint the full obituary that appeared in The Times.  I don't believe that it was generally known amongst the parent and pupil body how liberal Dougal's political views were, and while there was, understandably, a very strong upsurge of patriotic sentiment during the war years, Tredgold's outlook was vigorously opposed to pretty much everything that Ian Smith's Rhodesian Front stood for, a fact which would, I suspect, have come as something of a surprise to the boys of Tredgold House.

Sir Robert Tredgold, above.


Below, the College Prefects of 1977.  This was the first year since I arrived at Falcon that team photographs, including the prefects, were included. 


Two plays found their way into the magazine this year, and the two photographs which follow are from Beulah Marie Dix's "Allison's Lad" which was produced by Ron Reeve-Johnson.  On the right, below, John Hopkins, winner of the Agg-Manning Cup for Senior Drama.

Allison's Lad


And here we have the Sixth Form play, a scene from "The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde.

Below, Mike Loubser standing; unlikely looking women played by Steve Gibson (L) and Paul Soutter (R).


As usual, life at the College was celebrated in a number of photographs, and below we have house chores.


Lunch in the Dining Hall.


Here we have some boys making a steam turbine, which actually works when it's all fired up.  I can't imagine what health and safety would have to say about something like this these days, especially with the can of fuel sitting about two feet away from the burner, and not a pair of safety specs in sight as Chris Douie trims some heavy metal foil (Chris's glasses notwithstanding)!  Taking centre stage in the second photograph is Ian Kayisa.

Below, perfecting high rope skills.

Next, at a Woodsmoke Club meeting we see Ted Marais demonstrating how to make one of his famous curries; and in the second picture it's about to be served up to, amongst others, Frank Reed.


The expedition in 1977 was to Huwi, a private nature reserve at Ellisras in the Limpopo escarpment. The owners of the reserve had allowed us to use their luxurious Tree Lodge with thirty bedrooms and full ablution facilities. Here we see the Lodge, and below it work going on in the kitchen (Stuart McQuade on the left).


Some keen photographers (including Ted Marais) on the expedition photographing a leguaan, followed by a sample of their skills..


In the next four photographs Torre and Stanton land a fish.

And finally, some team photographs.


On to The Falcon 1979

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